Case Study: Charlie Hustle

Taking advantage of a hometown connection

Charlie Hustle has always set themselves apart by offering a brand experience that's deeply rooted in their hometown of Kansas City. Since starting their rewards program less than a year ago, they saw their loyal community grow by 35% as their customers discovered more than they were looking for.

  • +35% repeat customer rate
  • > 380 program members per month
  • +20% Instagram followers

Charlie Hustle isn't the only brand who's experienced this kind of success with Smile. Discover what makes them different and how you could apply their strategies to your own brand community with rewards.

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Case Study: Charlie Hustle

"Building a community and delivering a better customer experience is easy with Klaviyo and Smile, and has been really beneficial for us."

- Patrick McAnulty (Social Media Manager & Customer Support, Charlie Hustle)